One of the biggest benefits to deploying technology on top of GCP is all the built-in features. The Cloud Build service provides an easy way to automate the build process. In this case, I’m using it to perform a DevOps task that would otherwise take a lot more effort. For example, let’s say we need to migrate our VMs from one cloud provider (AWS) to another (GCP). We could use Cloud Build as a mechanism for automating that migration project. First, connect your AWS account with Cloud Build by creating an IAM role that has access only to AWS resources you want migrated: Next, create some Cloud Build jobs by following these steps: Then add some “Build Triggers” on your source servers such as EC2 instances or S3 buckets: Finally, configure your “Build Targets” in GCP with Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine VM images. Then, set up your “Migration scripts” and schedule them accordingly: You have now automated the process of exporting instances and images from one cloud provider into another. You can also use this process with other cloud providers such as Azure or DigitalOcean!

Marco Lopes

Excessive Crafter of Things


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